The Unwelcome Stranger

Aditi Bandyopadhyay

One sudden day came the uninvited stranger

The World shook with fear

Blood chilled, Breath stopped

Hearing its silent roar, hearts throbbed

Silently walking, Walking silently

Only death it instills bitterly.


 Born in the deadly dark caves of Wuhan,

Nurtured amongst squeaking bats in calm,

It binds one and all in its chord

Each day it breaks its own record.

Thanking his father- The Chinese Dragon

It jumped into the pandemic bandwagon.


Manacled within the four walls by freewill

Man seems to forget goodwill

Social distancing is the prevalent norm

This deadly stranger can come in any form;

Man shivers at man’s sight,

Oh! Look at the Stranger’s might.


Almighty! Enough!

Lift the dead Earth into your bosom

Infuse life, Let the Phoenix of today rise against Wuhan

O Life! Blow your clarion,

Touch each life with your healing bliss

End this Dragon’s hiss…

About the poet:

Assistant Professor, Department of English, Birbhum Mahavidyalaya, Suri