The Unwelcome Stranger

Aditi Bandyopadhyay One sudden day came the uninvited stranger The World shook with fear Blood chilled, Breath stopped Hearing its silent roar, hearts throbbed Silently walking, Walking silently Only death it instills bitterly.    Born in the deadly dark caves of Wuhan, Nurtured amongst squeaking bats in calm, It binds one and all in its […]


Dr Sushil Kumar THE Past amplified memories in totality, But the present minimizes the bad ones. Memories like witnesses don’t tell the present’s truth. Thanks to those, who transformed the moment into a slide of stock, Which is still in a position to rewind the reel.   Sometimes words were of the agony, Sometimes loaded […]

Human, at Home?

Debashish Chattopadhyay Ignorance is human’s ‘Greymalkin’ Always on beck and call to Ego. Satisfaction! Anything can be achieved by Mirandola’s ‘Man’ Development, deforestation, denigration. Perfection? Engineering the passion of neuroplastic behaviour To dress up with ‘Emotional Intelligence’, Goleman’s! Foucault’s ‘power-knowledge’ revolves like ‘Foucault’s pendulum’ To torque the hunger to conquer. At home feelings! Pandemic spreads […]